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It’s Really Simple

How it Works

Welcome aboard e7D–Wellness, your one-stop wellness kiosk! Our online program is as effortless as draping a stethoscope around your neck –and packed with much more fun! While putting on a stethoscope might fill you with professional pride, our program goes a step further. It focuses on your WHOLE-istic wellness, helping you stay grounded and healthy. This isn't just about health; it's about fuelling your body with a consistent surge of positive energy and taking your wellness to heights beyond mere health. 

Here's how you can embark on this exciting journey:

Embrace Health: Your Step-by-Step Guide

Young Doctor










First things first, sign up. It's so easy that we've had multiple reports of health care professionals doing it in their sleep. Okay, maybe not entirely, but it's straightforward! 

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Step into a new phase of your wellness journey with our innovative e7D-Maris graph. While this step is optional, we highly recommend it. Keeping track of your progress can be a game-changer, boosting your motivation to new heights. 
Now, don't worry. This is different from those complex ECG graphs that look like someone was trying to sketch the Himalayas. The e7D-Maris chart is a straightforward, intuitive tool designed to gauge your current wellbeing. Consider it your wellness thermometer but without the uncomfortable under-the-tongue bit.
So why wait? Start charting your path to peak wellness today!


With your e7D-Maris graph at your fingertips, you can pinpoint wellness areas needing extra attention. It's time to roll up your sleeves and dive in! Get your hands on our fantastic preliminary book, "Your Vitals Matter."
This isn't just another dry, academic textbook you might recall from your med school days. Instead, it's a condensed version of our 24-week Level One e7D course, filled with practical exercises and valuable insights to help you achieve optimal health.

"Your Vitals Matter" is designed to be engaging, interactive, and, most importantly, effective. It will guide you on your journey towards improved health, offering hands-on exercises to incorporate into your daily routine.

We understand that some of you might want to thoroughly digest the wealth of knowledge in "Your Vitals Matter" before diving into the full course. Given the immense value packed into this book, there is a nominal charge for downloading it. However, we believe in making wellness accessible, so here's something from us to you.
Use the code "VITALBOOST" at checkout to enjoy a special discount on your journey to wellness. This is more than just a coupon; it's the key to unlocking a healthier, happier you! So go ahead, download the book, and take the first step on your wellness journey today!

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Finally, it's time to take the leap and enroll in Level 1 of our e7Doctor Online Wellness Program. This course requires just 18 minutes of your time each day. In return, you'll see tangible improvements in your wellness, drastically reduce burnout, eliminate suicidal thoughts, and establish a healthy work-life balance.
This program doesn't just empower you with the tools to enhance your wellbeing but equips you to assist colleagues who might need help. It's not just about your journey; it's about creating a healthier, happier environment for everyone at work.
Consider this program your wellness GPS, guiding you and those around you towards happiness and wellbeing. So, why wait?

Unlock Lifelong Wellness: Announcing Our 2024 Course Launch with an Exclusive Early Bird Discount!

We're excited to announce that our course launches at the end of January 2024. But here's the deal - if you reserve your spot now, you'll receive a lifetime 50% discount on the entire course! (By the way, the e7D-Wellness online course has three levels.)

Yes, you heard it right –a lifetime discount! And this incredible offer is only available to our first 77 sign-ups.

Use the code "EARLYBIRD50" to claim this exclusive offer. Don't just learn to stay well –become a beacon of wellness for those around you. Sign up today and embark on a transformative wellness journey!


Promote this course to your social circle and workplace. Spreading wellness is a collective effort - let's make our workplaces happier and healthier together. Post about your journey on social media using the hashtag #e7DoctorWellnessJourney to inspire others to join the wellness revolution!


Embrace the power of consistency with the rule of 100. By allotting just 18 minutes a day to wellness, you are choosing a path of regularity that leads to mastery. As you repeatedly invest this time in your health, you'll transform yourself into a model of vitality. Indeed, Wellness is ideal for this journey, turning daily dedication into lifelong health benefits.


Consistency is key here. You wouldn't prescribe a patient antibiotics and tell them to take them "whenever they felt like it", would you? Like medication, consistency and regular check-ins at your online wellness kiosk are vital to achieving your wellness goals.


So why wait any longer? Sign up today, and let's start your journey to a healthier, happier you! After all, you've dedicated your life to taking care of others. It's time to take care of yourself too.

Remember The Rule of 100!

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