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Plans & Pricing

Create Lifelong Habits in 24 Weeks - Reach your wellness goals with e7Doctors. 

Did you know that habit formation is a lengthy process? According to a study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, it can take around 18-254 days, about 36 weeks. Nevertheless, with our comprehensive 24-week program, you will learn to form at least seven critical wellness habits. 100% money guarantee!

Our program boasts a limited capacity that ensures a personalised 15-minute audience with our wellness strategist to offer you the best possible experience. We understand the importance of Mental Health and will work together to eliminate even the consideration of suicidal thoughts or ideation. Be a part of the solution and help change the sad face of this fact in the Health Care Professional community! 

The journey commences with Tier One: The "Your Vitals Matter" Workbook. This 8-week mini-wellness course is a primer to our comprehensive e7Doctor Wellness Program. It's your introduction, the first step towards the life-changing journey ahead in the subsequent tiers.

PRE-ORDER AND SAVE! Our program only admits a limited number of participants each month, so secure your spot today with a 10% upfront payment and enjoy a 40% discount. This fantastic offer is only available to the first 100 participants. Act fast before it is too late! Seats are filling up quickly, and the program launches this September. Do not wait another day to invest in your wellbeing!

e7Doctor Wellness Program: Your Pathway to Proactive Health and Wellness

  • 40% OFF - Best Value

    Tier Two: Path to Self-Discovery

    Every year
    e7Doctors Wellness
  • Tier Three: Habit Builder

    2 Tiers Included: Your Greatest Asset is your Health!
    Valid for 35 weeks
  • Tier Four: Balance Maestro

    3 Tiers Included: 49 Weeks! Start your transformation into a healthier version you!
    Valid for 49 weeks
  • V.I.P Subscribers

    The Importance of Wellbeing in the Medical Profession
    Free Plan
  • 'Your Vitals Matter'

    This 8-week mini-wellness course is a primer to our comprehensive e7Doctor Wellness Program
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